The Hat


Today, my act of resistance is knitting my hat for the march.

What is yours?

Gratitude List:
1. Those clouds, which were wings, and the sundog which smiled on them.
2. How the boys get so many things. I was buying pink yarn today for my kittycat hat (that’s what I call it so I don’t have to explain too much to them at this point), and Ellis said, “But if you’re all wearing pink hats, isn’t that sort of playing into the stereotypes about women and pink?” Savvy kid. I said we were reclaiming it. They helped me pick out the yarn, and were both really excited when I found some eyelash yarn to knit into the hat. Ellis wanted to carry it around the store.
3. Belongingness
4. Knitting. Knotting. Making. I feel a little like Madame Dufarge knitting up this hat. I might not be knitting information for the revolution, but I am knitting for the revolution. (And I think I didn’t cast on enough stitches–my needles are smaller than the pattern suggested. I’ll take out these first rows and start again. And this time with magical intent.)
5. Finding new ways to say things. New vocabulary. New structures. New synapses firing in the brain.

May we walk in Beauty!

4 thoughts on “The Hat

  1. Thank you, Donna! Isn’t that part of what makes us human–that search to say things in new and vibrant ways? Thanks for the feedback, as always. I hope you are finding loving community and time for contemplation this winter.


  2. ELizabeth,
    I love your blog.
    I am grateful for the ice crystals that danced across my windsheild this morning in snaky patterns. For the blessing of a full time job to go to. For my children and grandchild being healthy. For being able, like you to knit and knit magic and love into what I make. Thank you for reminding me to be grateful!

    Liked by 1 person

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